Tiger Woods Gets a Seat on PGA Tour’s Board, Giving Players the Final Say on Merger With the Saudis

Brian Rothmuller/AP
The PGA Tour on Tuesday announced a number of changes to its structure in an effort to increase transparency and empower players.
One of those measures was the inclusion of Tiger Woods on the Tour’s Policy Board. With him, the board now has six Player Directors, giving them voting power over the five Independent Directors.
Additionally, Colin Neville — the Player Directors’ special advisor — will have “full access to any documents or information that he requests as being necessary for him to carry out his duties on behalf of the players.”
“This is a critical point for the Tour, and the players will do their best to make certain that any changes that are made in Tour operations are in the best interest of all Tour stakeholders, including fans, sponsors, and players,” Woods said in a statement published by the PGA Tour. “The players thank Commissioner (Jay) Monahan for agreeing to address our concerns, and we look forward to being at the table with him to make the right decisions for the future of the game that we all love. He has my confidence moving forward with these changes.”
When the news broke that the PGA Tour had reached a framework agreement with Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund — which operates LIV Golf — players were completely blindsided. Now, the Player Directors will work with Monahan to “amend the Policy Board’s governing documents” to prevent major decisions like that from happening without the knowledge and involvement of the players.
With these new measures, the Player Directors will have the authority to approve or decline to approve “any potential changes to the Tour as part of the Framework Agreement discussions.”
“I am committed to taking the necessary steps to restore any lost trust or confidence that occurred as a result of the surprise announcement of our Framework Agreement,” Monahan said. “My job in the negotiations — in partnership with our Player Directors, PAC, and the broader membership — is to advocate for what is best for the PGA Tour members today and in the future. Any agreement we reach must be shaped by our members’ input and approval earned through our Player Directors.”
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