Christie Blasts ‘Jimmy Carter of the 2020s’ Joe Biden Over Record Inflation ‘That He Created’


GOP presidential hopeful Chris Christie briefly turned his attention away from bashing Republican frontrunner Donald Trump to slam President Joe Biden over inflation.

During an interview on CNN with CNN anchor Kasie Hunt, the former New Jersey governor labeled Biden as the “Jimmy Carter of the 2020s’ for record inflation that he claims was created by the president’s “ridiculous spending.”

Christie is currently polling near the bottom of the Republican field for president. He is one of the few GOP candidates to openly attack Trump every week in media interviews and campaign speeches.

“These days, inflation is creeping down to 3%. GDP is strong. Consumer sentiment is on the way up. We have wages going up faster than prices. Do you think President Biden deserves any credit for that,” Hunt asked Christie in a Sunday interview.

“What he deserves credit for is the fact that everything is 17% more expensive today than it was when he took the oath of office on January 20th of 2021,” Christie responded. “Interest rates are at our highest level in 25 years, making it much more expensive for people to buy a home, to buy a car, to be able to invest in their business and grow it to create jobs.”

He added, “This guy is the Jimmy Carter of the 2020s and his inflation, that he created Don’t take my word for it. Democratic economist, former Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, Larry Summers, has said that Joe Biden created this inflation through his ridiculous spending. I dealt with this in New Jersey, Casey, after coming after Jon Corzine. We had an $11 billion deficit on a $29 billion budget. We balanced the budget by cutting 836 individual programs and did not raise taxes.”

Watch the full clip above via CNN.

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