Ron DeSantis Comes Out Against Trump’s 2020 Election Fraud Claims: Theories ‘Did Not Prove to Be True’

AP Photo/Alex Brandon; AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File
Asked about election fraud claims made by former President Donald Trump surrounding the 2020 presidential election, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) stated on Friday that those claims are “unsubstantiated.”
At a campaign stop in Iowa, the GOP presidential candidate told a reporter that “[a]ll those theories that were put out did not prove to be true.” Nicholas Nehamas and Lisa Lerer of the New York Times noted in their report that DeSantis doesn’t normally provide such a blunt answer when asked about the fraud accusations made by the GOP presidential frontrunner, saying that DeSantis usually “refus[ed] to acknowledge that the election was fairly conducted.” But after the third indictment charging Trump with allegedly conspiring to defraud American voters, DeSantis had a stronger response:
It was not an election that was conducted the way I think that we want to, but that’s different than saying [Venezuelan President Nicolás] Maduro stole votes or something like that. Those theories, you know, proved to be unsubstantiated.
DeSantis did not mention Trump by name, but the report posits that in light of recent legal developments, he could smell blood in the water with voters who might start to waver on their support. Or maybe he finally got around to reading the indictment.
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