Jesse Watters Laughably Claims ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants Were ‘Sarcastic’


New primetime Fox News host Jesse Watters told his viewers in a monologue on Wednesday night that the calls to have Hillary Clinton “locked up” during the 2016 election were sarcastic.

When the former secretary of state became the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016, supporters of Donald Trump called on the Justice Department to prosecute Clinton over her handling of classified material on a private email server.

Now as the former president faces criminal charges for his handling of classified material at his Mar-a-Lago estate, Watters is trying to claim that the calls to lock Clinton up were only sarcastic political banter.

Watters noted that the “corporate media” was bloodthirsty to see Trump spend the rest of his life in prison after being outraged at calls to have Clinton arrested.

“And now the corporate media is engaged in a bloodthirsty and libelous war against one man who represents more than 75 million Americans,” Watters said. “The media was aghast at sarcastic ‘lock her up’ chants, remember?”

He added, “But last night appeared sexually aroused at the thought of Donald Trump imprisoned. Blood lust was in the air at CNN.”

During the 2016 election, not only did supporters of Trump call for Clinton’s arrest, but the then-Republican nominee told Clinton at a presidential debate that she should go to jail and that he would appoint a special prosecutor to look into her case.

Watch the full clip above via Fox News.

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