Biden Spox Says the White House Situation Room, Near Location of Cocaine, Has Not Been Used for Months Due to Renovations


When the news that the cocaine found in the West Wing of the White House was found near the Situation Room, where some extremely sensitive and consequential decision-making takes place by top White House and military officials, it made the discovery even more intriguing (and concerning). But during today’s press briefing, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan threw water on the intrigue by sharing that the Situation Room has been shut down for months due to renovations.

Fox News correspondent Mark Meredith asked Sullivan about the proximity of the cocaine to the Situation Room and if there were any security concerns. Sullivan responded with the standard punt to the Secret Service, but did provide the details about the Situation Room:

I would make a point about the Situation Room because I think there’s been a lot of questionable reporting on this. The Situation Room is not in use and has not been in use for months because it currently under construction. We are using an alternate Situation Room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, so the only people going in and coming out of the Sit Room in this period have been workers who are getting it ready to go. By the way, it’s on time and on schedule to be back on station here in the not too distance future. But no, there was no issue with the Situation Room relative to this.

Sullivan went on to reiterate that White House employees follow “rigorous” drug-testing and drug use policies that are taken “extremely seriously.”

It was probably one of the first substantive answers give concerning the discovery of cocaine, but it does narrow down the population of suspects for any and all who may be looking for the culprit.

Watch the video above via Fox News.

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