‘Uh-Oh Where is This Going?’ CNN Reporter Draws Laughs At Briefing With Question ‘On A Lighter Note’


CNN White House correspondent Jeremy Diamond drew laughter when he prefaced his final question at a briefing by saying “On a lighter note…”

You really never do know what you’re going to hear at a White House briefing , where subject matter ranges from President Joe Biden potentially killing his dog to whatever thing ex-President Donald Trump has said recently, and this week, everyt5hing that could possibly nbe asked about cocaine.

So when Diamond prefaced his last question at Friday’s briefing with “on a lighter note,” reporters in the room and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre didn’t know what to expect:

Q And — and then, what are you guys developing in terms of potential contingency plans? Because this UPS strike, if it happens, would have massive implications across the country. It’s understood that FedEx and USPS would not be able to handle all of the packages that UPS handles if the strike goes forward. So, is there anything the White House is doing to prepare for that possibility at the end of the month?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, look, we understand these types of contract negotiations can be — you know, could be tough. They could be contentious. We get that.

And so, we’re going to continue to remain optimistic as these conversations continue to occur. We’re — as I mentioned, we’re in touch with both parties. Just don’t have anything else to — to lay out as far as a plan.

Q And then, on a lighter note, does the White House have any plans to join Threads? (Laughter.)

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I’m sorry. I was like, “Oh, where is this going?”

Q Does the White House have any —

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Go ahead.

Q Does the White House have any plans to join Threads?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Oh, Threads. I don’t have anything to preview on that for you. I need to — I’m — I’m curious about it as well.

Q It’s notably missing.

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: I mean, I just don’t have anything to preview on — on that. But I know that it is getting some attention out there.

Threads is the Meta-run app meant to rival Twitter.

Watch above via The White House.

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