JUST IN: CNN Sources Say Secret Service Has Concluded White House Cocaine Probe — Here’s What They Found


As Secret Service began briefing lawmakers, CNN reports their sources say the probe into cocaine found at the White House is over, and shared those findings.

The Secret Service discovered a suspicious powder on a Sunday night nearly 2 weeks ago, initial testing of which indicated the substance was cocaine — after which a full lab panel confirmed the preliminary test, and coverage of the discovery dominated news coverage in a slow summer news week.

On Thursday morning’s edition of CNN News Central, as USSS was giving a classified briefing that Congress demanded, CNN White House correspondent Jeremy Diamond told Kate Bolduan that while one source told him the probe ended without a suspect being identified, another gave him their strongest theory as to who left the coke:

KATE BOLDUAN: Who knew we would have to continue reporting on something like this. We have an update now on the investigation into the bag of cocaine found in the White House West Wing earlier this month. Jeremy Diamond is back with us. He’s got the very latest on this. Jeremy, I just left you a moment ago and then the Secret Service was about to brief on Capitol Hill. What are you learning?

JEREMY DIAMOND: Yeah, that’s right, Kate. I’ve just learned, according to two sources familiar with the investigation, that the Secret Service has concluded its investigation into this bag of cocaine that was found inside the West Wing nearly two weeks ago. And they have been unable to identify a suspect.

One of those sources tells me that they comb through hundreds of individuals in visitor logs and surveillance footage, but they were ultimately unable to link this baggie of cocaine to one individual.

Now, the second source who is familiar with the investigation told me that the leading theory remains that it was one of these visitors who was entering that West Wing entrance where visitors come in to take these West Wing tours over that holiday weekend who is believed to have left this baggie of cocaine. That has not been confirmed. That is not the conclusive conclusion, the official conclusion of the Secret Service. But it does remain the leading theory, despite the fact that they were not able to identify a suspect, as you mentioned, Kate.

The Secret Service is currently briefing lawmakers on Capitol Hill in a classified setting about the status of this investigation. And I expect they’re sharing many of these same details with them right now.

Watch above via CNN News Central.

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