Rep. Jamie Raskin’s Not Too Sure How Many People Would Want to Visit the White House If They Had to Be ‘Drug Tested On The Way In’


Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) isn’t too sure how many White House guests would subject themselves to drug tests if it was required.

Raskin reacted on Thursday to the inconclusive White House investigation into who brought cocaine into the building.

Despite narrowing down a list of 500 suspects, a mixture of both staff and visitors, no forensic information was found and the area in which the cocaine was discovered had no security cameras.

In the wake of the cocaine discovery, some Republicans have called for drug tests to be administered to staffers, including Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). A clip of Raskin’s reaction began circulating on Twitter via The Hill.

RASKIN: I’m satisfied that the Secret Service and the White House are on top of it. You know, I was reading a book about Lincoln recently, and anybody in Washington could just walk right into Lincoln’s White House, go directly in and try to find the president and talk to him.

RASKIN: And obviously, we’re in a very different security environment than that. But I don’t know how many people would want to go to the White House if they were gonna be administering a drug test on the way in, which is what some of my colleagues have suggested. You know, some people are saying everybody should be drug tested on the way into the White House, and these are the same people who were opposed to Covid-19 tests. So I don’t see a lot of coherence in the criticism.

Watch above via @TheHill on Twitter.

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