‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Jordan Belfort Reveals White House Coke Theory on Fox as ‘Former Cocaine Addict’
Convicted fraudster and “former cocaine addict” Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the 2013 movie Wolf of Wall Street, revealed his theory behind the bag of cocaine discovered in the White House on Jesse Watters Primetime, Monday.
Belfort, who Watters introduced as “a former cocaine addict,” told the Fox News host that while he didn’t “know for sure” who left the bag of cocaine — which was discovered in the West Wing earlier this month — “the obvious person to point to” is President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden, who has struggled with addiction to crack cocaine in the past.
Belfort explained:
Why? Because the action. Like what people aren’t focused on is why would someone take it out of their pocket and leave it somewhere? The answer is because when you’re in that mindset of an addict, you want to have like little drop points so you can kind of sneak in, take a quick hit, leave it there for safe keeping, and come back. So it was being stored somewhere. In other words, you could easily keep it in your pocket, get in and out without getting detected, so the person that put it there had to be there on a consistent basis to keep using it undetected.
He added that those with addiction problems “typically don’t stop using the drug unless they’ve suffered massive consequences, and this guy hasn’t suffered consequences for anything, whether it’s not declaring taxes, whether it’s going on the board of Burisma and like why was he there, whether it’s becoming a famous artist overnight and selling scribble scrabble for like hundreds of thousands of dollars. No consequences there.”
“So why would he have stopped using drugs, I wonder, when there’s no consequences?” questioned Belfort. “Typically, that’s just not the way it happens, although I seriously hope he’s not still an addict.”
Belfort ruled out President Biden himself as the culprit, arguing that “he’d probably sound a lot sharper on TV if he was using coke” before concluding, “But I think if you had to look at someone there, I would think — and again, no proof here — that Hunter is the obvious culprit.”
Watch above via Fox News.
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