‘Call Secret Service’: Fox News Hosts Come Up With Some Crazy Fun Theories While Talking About ‘Cocaine Sharks’
The hosts of Fox News’ Outnumbered always have strong opinions about the hot topics of the day, but on Friday, they got to let loose a bit and dive into something more fun: cocaine sharks? Yes, cocaine sharks!
The story about sharks possibly eating abandoned bales of cocaine has been making the internet rounds, and it’s the focus of an upcoming documentary — aptly titled Cocaine Sharks — that’s part of Discovery’s Shark Week. That’s how co-host Kayleigh McEnany introduced the segment, stating:
Marine biologists off the coast of Florida claim thousands of sharks may have ingested cocaine that was floating in the ocean. Drug smugglers commonly drop bricks of cocaine in these waters when evading U.S. authorities and appears some sharks have been taking a liking to illegal substance.
And we’re off to the races! Here are the highlights:
Amy Freeze: Sharks are not the only predators who are into cocaine.
While her colleagues got a laugh out of that, Freeze was talking about the movie and the phenomenon of Cocaine Bear. But that led right into plenty of jokes about the cocaine that was found in the White House, a case that the Secret Service closed without naming any suspects:
Harris Faulkner: You just solved the mystery of how the cocaine got inside the White House!
McEnany: I was gonna say, first it was cocaine in the White House, now coke in the Great Whites!
The story is wild, mainly because cocaine is wild and so are sharks. So the two together make for a lot of fodder:
McEnany: So, they put bait balls in the water with highly concentrated fish powder, Harris, and it’s supposed to give the sharks a dopamine rush similar to a hit of cocaine. The sharks went wild and “it set their brains aflame.” It was crazy.
Faulkner: That is to tell us whether or not that cocaine would have any influence on them, I would imagine, and of course it would. My question is how long does it last?
David Webb: Cocaine as a substance goes out of your body pretty fast. With a shark, we don’t know.
Faulkner: But they’re eating a container of it!
David: Yeah, I don’t think I’d want to give a shark that’s already agitated or at least dangerous something that makes them more agitated, and I’ll throw that out there.
Dagen McDowell: Cocaine stays in your hair for months, so you couldn’t test a shark that way. But you could … at the White House, that was my idea. Just pluck a hair out of everybody that had been in the White House.
David: Figure out cocaine in sharks, call Secret Service.

Credit: Fox News
Watch the full video above via Fox News.
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