Nancy Pelosi Trashes Republicans ‘Ridiculous, Disrespectful’ Response to Attack on Her Husband, Says it Turned Voters Off


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed she heard from voters who told her they were motivated to participate in the midterm elections in response to the attack on her husband, as well as the callousness of various Republicans in their reaction to it.

In an interview on CNN Sunday, Dana Bash asked about Paul Pelosi’s recovery from the hammer attack that left him with a fractured skull. The speaker said that Paul’s road to recovery is a “long haul,” but also that he’s “doing well, comforted by the good wishes and especially the prayers of so many people throughout the country. We thank them all for that.”

Pelosi said that she spoke to people since the attack, and “so many have said I’m going to be sure to vote because this has gone too far.” After a variety of questions about the midterm election results, Bash doubled back to this topic by asking the speaker if she thinks extremism and political violence influenced how people decided to vote.

Pelosi acknowledged that anecdotal evidence doesn’t translate to solid data, but she spoke of “a trend in what I’m hearing” about the attack itself, plus the “disgraceful” Republican reaction to it. On this, Pelosi was speaking of those who joked about the attack on Paul and spread disinformation about it in the days after it happened.

Imagine how I feel as the one who was the target and my husband paying the price and the traumatic effect on our family, but that trauma is intensified by the ridiculous, disrespectful attitude that the Republicans — and there’s nobody disassociating themselves from the horrible response that they gave to it.

Bash returned to button up the question by asking “you think that turned voters off?”

“They tell me so,” Pelosi answered.

Watch above via CNN.

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