‘Is She Aware of Her Own Health Issues?’ Jake Tapper Asks Whether Addled Dianne Feinstein Knows What Kind of Shape She’s In


CNN’s Jake Tapper asked a question on the minds of politically-engaged Americans – especially Californians – during Friday’s edition of The Lead.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) returned to the Senate last week after missing nearly three months due to health issues. She was hospitalized in February with shingles. On Thursday, CNN’s Manu Raju reported that a spokesperson for the senator told him she also had encephalitis – an inflammation of the brain – and continues to ail from Ramsey Hunt syndrome – a neurological disorder that affects facial nerves. She has also been experiencing a substantial cognitive decline in recent years.

On Tuesday, Feinstein seemed unaware she had been absent from the Senate when reporters asked about her time away.

“I’ve been here,” she insisted. “I’ve been voting.”

Tapper addressed Feinstein’s health with Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), who has called on the senator to step down.

“You and other Democrats have called for her resignation because of her many, many absences, which have affected the work of the Senate – not to mention, I suppose, previous questions about her cognition,” Tapper said. “What’s your understanding as to what’s currently going on? Is she just refusing to resign? Is she aware of her own health issues?”

“It’s a really sad situation, Jake,” he replied. “It’s painful to watch, and I just wish people who are close to her, who have been friends of hers, and her family will talk to her about doing the right thing and stepping down with dignity. I don’t know the situation. I don’t know who’s making the decisions in that office. I think they at the very least owe transparency, whether it’s her or someone on her staff to have a press conference to answer exactly what the truth is of her condition and her ability to do the job.”

On Thursday, Politico reported that Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D), a longtime friend of Feinstein’s, dispatched her daughter to look after the senator. One Pelosi confidant said the former speaker is concerned that Feinstein’s resignation would lead Governor Gavin Newsom to appoint Rep. Barbara Lee (D) to the seat, which is up for reelection in 2024. That appointment would fulfill Newsom’s pledge to fill any Senate vacancies with a Black woman. However, Pelosi has endorsed Rep. Adam Schiff (D) for the seat. Lee, Schiff, and Rep. Katie Porter (D) have all announced they are running for the seat.

Watch above via CNN.

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Mike is a Mediaite senior editor who covers the news in primetime.