Democrat Ro Khanna Calls on Trump to Denounce Political Violence After Paul Pelosi Attack


Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) called on former President Donald Trump to put out a strong statement denouncing political violence after Paul Pelosi was attacked in San Francisco Friday.

Pelosi, 82, was attacked with a hammer by a man who broke into the home he shares with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D).

Police say 42-year-old David DePape struck Paul Pelosi with a hammer, attempted to tie him up and also demanded information on the whereabouts of his wife.

On CNN’s The Situation Room, host Wolf Blitzer asked Khanna for his thoughts on the attack.

“Wolf, we have to come together as a country and turn down the temperature,” Khanna said. “I mean, it was not just the speaker who was the subject of Jan. 6 attacks. It was Vice President Pence, it was Republican members of Congress, Republican Senator Ted Cruz. People were talking about going through his office. We’ve got to come together and say enough of this.”

In the hours after the attack was reported, a number of high-ranking congressional Republicans issued statements condemning the violence.

“Horrified and disgusted by the reports that Paul Pelosi was assaulted in his and Speaker Pelosi’s home last night,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stated. “Grateful to hear that Paul is on track to make a full recovery and that law enforcement including our stellar Capitol Police are on the case.”

Blitzer reported House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) reached out to Pelosi personally and asked the Democrat what he thought of Republicans rallying around the House Speaker. Khanna responded:

I appreciate Senator Mcconnell’s statement. I thought it was strong. I hope Leader Mccarthy will issue a strong statement. But I think we need President Trump to issue a strong statement and I would like to see every member of Congress, every senator, put out a clear, strong statement from every faction of every party, this it’s time that the country should be unified and say violence is absolutely unacceptable.

Watch above, via CNN.

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