RFK Jr. Accuses USA of ‘Manipulating’ Ukraine Into War and Killing Hundreds of Thousands In Breathtakingly Bizarre Rant


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. leveled some bizarre and weighty accusations at the country he hopes to serve as commander-in-chief of on Friday.

In a series of tweets, Kennedy provided an alternative history nearly as stark in its contrast from reality as The Man in The High Castle, charging the United States and Ukraine with being the aggressors in the ongoing war between the latter and Russia.

“Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian youth have already died because America’s foreign policy establishment manipulated their country into war to fulfill vain + futile geopolitical fantasy. Now, rather than acknowledge failure, Biden admin prepares to sacrifice American lives too,” asserted Kennedy on Twitter. He continued:

Meanwhile, our cities decay, our infrastructure falls apart, our middle class hollows out, crime soars, chronic disease and addiction run rampant. We can heal all of this if we try. But not if we pour our resources into foreign adventures.

Biden has lost his way. He is out of touch with the real needs and priorities of the American people. Do you care more about global military dominance, or would you like to rebuild our prosperity from the inside out? #Kennedy24

This is not the first time Kennedy has made a claim along these lines. Last month on Neil Cavuto’s show on Fox News, Kennedy said that the U.S. has “killed 350,000 Ukrainian kids.”

When Cavuto interjected to note that it was the Russians who had been murdering Ukrainians since the launch of Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked invasion of the country in early 2022, Kennedy replied by asking “Well, but, you know, what was our history of provocations?”

Kennedy is challenging President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination for president.

U.S. officials, including Biden, repeatedly warned Putin against invading Ukraine in the lead up to the Russian attack. In February 2022, the same month that the invasion began, Biden told Putin that the U.S. would “respond decisively,” to such an attack and “impose swift and severe costs on Russia.”

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