‘These People Look PATHETIC!’ Nancy Pelosi Drags GOP Over Latest Effort to Erase Trump’s Impeachments


Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) accused Congressional Republicans of cowardice as she slammed their attempts to symbolically expunge the record of Donald Trump’s impeachments.

The former house speaker joined CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday, where the conversation turned to her successor, Kevin McCarthy, and his recurring support for a way to expunge Trump’s impeachments.

Politico recently reported that the House speaker promised the former president he would bring about a House vote to start the process, though McCarthy has denied making such a deal.

Asked for her thoughts on the idea, Pelosi re-iterated “we had no choice” but to impeach Trump after he “jeopardized our well-being of our country.” She accused McCarthy of “playing politics” and pointed out public skepticism about whether it’s even possible for Trump’s record to be cleansed.

“If [McCarthy] wants to put his members on the spot — his members in difficult races on the spot — that’s a decision he has to make. But this is not responsible,” Pelosi said. “This is about being afraid. As I’ve said before, Donald Trump is the puppeteer, and what does he do all the time? Shine a light on the strings. These people look pathetic.”

Watch the clip above via CNN.

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