Gaetz Tells Bolling Russia Would Be Better NATO Member Than Ukraine: ‘Probably Provides More Benefit Long-Term’


With all of the recent talk of inviting Ukraine to join NATO, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told Newsmax anchor Eric Bolling that he had a better idea that would provide “more benefit long-term.”

Appearing on Newsmax’s The Balance, Gaetz ranted about funding and support for Ukraine, and the idea of the nation joining NATO — saying Russia would be a better fit.

“By the way, why would you pick Ukraine? Why not extend NATO to Russia and make it an anti-China alliance?” Gaetz suggested. “Like, are we really thinking that we’re more afraid of the broke-down tanks from Russia than the fact that China is building a secret military base on the island of Cuba, 90 miles away from the United States?”

“Like, if we had to pick Russia or Ukraine for NATO, one could reasonably make the argument that Russia probably provides more benefit long-term,” he said.

“No question, no question,” Bolling agreed.

Earlier in the interview, Gaetz took issue with claims that “NATO expansion” made the U.S. any “safer.”

“They’re thinking of giving Ukraine Israel-like security status so that we have to pay to be the block captain of Ukraine forever. And I think one can reasonably ask the question: has NATO expansion made us safer? I mean, has it really? Are we safer today than we were before NATO expanded into the Baltics and put us now on the brink of war? Democrat Seth Moulton (MA) and Democrat Steny Hoyer (MD) have already said we are at war with Russia. That’s not exactly what we signed up for with Sleepy Joe as the President of the United States,” Gaetz said.

“Yeah, maybe if you do, in fact, put Ukraine in NATO, you might actually pick a fight with Russia, and end up at war with Russia,” Bolling said.

Earlier this week, Gaetz’s former Freedom Caucus colleague Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) submitted an amendment to the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act demanding that the U.S. pull out of NATO altogether.

“They are not a reliable partner whose defense spending should be paid for by American citizens,” Greene argued about NATO.

Watch the clip above, via Newsmax.

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