WATCH: Pelosi Reveals Husband’s NFL-Related First Words After Surgery As Reporters Pepper Her With Football Questions


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi shared Paul Pelosi’s first words after surgery when reporters asked her a different NFL-related question this week.

Speaker Pelosi held her weekly press conference, at which reporters asked a number of football-related questions that began with the House Oversight Committee’s report on the Washington Commanders.

Pelosi confessed limited knowledge on the topic of the report, but shared husband Paul Pelosi’s fandom-related first words coming out of surgery after the vicious attack on him, which occurred in October:

Q. Can you comment on the Oversight Committee’s report on the Washington Commanders football team? And how do you think the NFL should respond to what the investigation uncovered? And would it include, in your mind, Dan Snyder selling the team?

Speaker Pelosi. Let me just say that I’m a sports fan, and what I love about sports is I don’t have to get involved in policy. It’s all about the numbers. It’s all about the numbers. It’s interesting that they’ve changed their name to the Commanders. I, quite frankly, have not read that report. So I cannot speak with any authority on it. But I would not be an expert in that regard.

I do – I’m excited about the progress our San Francisco 49ers are making. I’m a big supporter of the Ravens. In fact, I think I told you this, but when my husband was assaulted in that horrible situation, when he came out of surgery, my son was the first one to talk to him when he could talk. And he said, ‘Mommy’s on her way home on the plane from D.C.’

And the first thing he said coming out of surgery is, ‘Oh, she’s going to be so happy because the Ravens won last night.’ That was Thursday night football.

Yes, Jake.

Q. Jimmy Garoppolo is up, but we won’t go there. But on the omnibus –

Speaker Pelosi. Yeah.

Fox News Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram also quipped to Pelosi about the 49ers, and the Speaker paused as she exited the presser to banter with reporters some more about her constituent team:

Speaker Pelosi. Thank you all very much.

Q. What about Baker Mayfield coming to the 49ers?

Q. Rams.

Q. You guys missed out. My point is you guys missed out.

Speaker Pelosi. First shall be last, last shall be first. You’re asking me about the Rams?

Q. Well, no. The thought that he would go to the 49ers.

Speaker Pelosi. Yeah.

Q. And he went to the Rams, so you guys miss out.

Speaker Pelosi. Oh, we’ve done all right this year. We’re very proud of our acquisitions.

Watch above via C-SPAN.

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