Colin Cowherd Predicts Midterm ‘Red Wave’ Over Dem Covid School Closures: ‘Don’t Mess With People’s Kids’


Fox Sports Radio host Colin Cowherd predicted that Republicans will win big across the country as voters punish Democrats for closing schools during the pandemic.

Cowherd, who frequently comments on current events during his daily broadcast, took to Twitter Wednesday where he predicted angry parents will deliver the GOP a string of victories in the midterms.

After a commenter responded that Cowherd would be condemned for the statement, he doubled down and said he considered himself “mostly left,” but did not care how his prediction was received.

Nationwide test scores crashed following school closures in new data released last month. Sarah Mervosh of the New York Times explained the scores in relation to children being out of the classroom:

This year, for the first time since the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests began tracking student achievement in the 1970s, 9-year-olds lost ground in math, and scores in reading fell by the largest margin in more than 30 years.

The declines spanned almost all races and income levels and were markedly worse for the lowest-performing students. While top performers in the 90th percentile showed a modest drop — three points in math — students in the bottom 10th percentile dropped by 12 points in math, four times the impact.

Cowherd’s framing of the issue is similar to an argument conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt made in an op-ed published by the Washington Post two weeks ago.

“Parents of school-age children will be a big part of the ‘red wave’ that I and many others see building in the midterms,” Hewitt wrote. “Make no mistake: Education is on the ballot in 2022, and voters are looking for someone to hold accountable.”

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