Colin Cowherd Compares Using Therapy To Broken Traditions In College Football


Fox Sports’ Colin Cowherd compared his usage of therapy to the broken college football traditions of schools jumping from different conferences.

The University of Southern California and the University of California, Los Angeles, will leave the Pac-12 conference to join the Big Ten conference in 2024.

The Big Ten was most notably known as a conference for the mid-western schools in the United States.

It was announced yesterday that the University of California regents voted 11-5 to approve UCLA’s move to the Big Ten.

On Thursday’s The Herd With Colin Cowherd, Cowherd explained why he liked the move that two California schools were approved to join the Big Ten conference.

His message was that people needed to open their eyes to change, and he used the example of when he went to therapy because of the guilt he felt moving his family across the country. Cowherd explained that his wife, Ann, is an artist, so they think differently.

“He said to me, ‘the reason you guys are different is because you can’t see the frog,'” Cowherd said. “And I said, ‘I don’t know what that means. Is that a term in psychology?’ He goes, ‘Colin, you can’t see the frog, and your wife would’ve seen it first time here.'”

Colin revealed that after the therapist told him to move his eyes up one inch, a fake frog was hanging from a light he never realized was there.

He described the turbulent relationship he and his wife had before they married and admitted that she broke up with him six times before they married. Cowherd then understood how different he and his wife were in their thought processes.

“I realized in that moment, we’re just different,” Cowherd added. “I can’t see things that she can see, so when she says, things and I don’t get it, instead of bickering and arguing, just love her and say, ‘how lucky am I to have somebody that can see stuff I can’t.'”

The Herd host decided to tie his therapy into USC and UCLA’s move to the Big Ten Conference.

“When USC and UCLA go to the Big Ten, a lot of people don’t like it,” Cowherd continued. “They like tradition. They like Iowa-Nebraska. They like the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s.”

Cowherd explained he was one of the people who liked to see changes in college football and was not a traditionalist.

“I love the transfer portal. I love NIL (Name Image and Likeness),” Cowherd said. “I love USC and UCLA moving. That’s just how my brain works. I like the new over-nostalgia.”

“I get bored easily,” he concluded.

Colin used examples of how people have different hobbies, such as collecting baseball cards and clocks, and told the people who were annoyed about two California teams breaking tradition and joining a mostly mid-western division to open their eyes to change.

“The Big Ten has a wonderful tradition, and they don’t like these California schools coming in here!” Cowherd added. “I can’t wait for it!”

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Luke Kane is a former Sports Reporter for Mediaite. You can follow him on Twitter @LukeKane