Tucker Carlson Invokes Ratings to Assure Viewers ‘You Are Not Alone,’ Blasts NBC, Google Over Federalist Piece


Tucker Carlson opened his show Tuesday night assuring viewers “you are not alone” before going on a tear against NBC and Google over an earlier NBC News report about The Federalist.

Carlson referenced his Monday monologue — warning viewers in a lengthy opener that Black Lives Matter is growing in political power and that people need to speak out more — and made a point of bringing up his ratings.

For the record, Carlson’s show was watched by 4.2 million viewers Monday night, with 832,000 in the 25-54 demo.

Carlson said he normally wouldn’t bring up ratings, but he is in this instance to “remind you that you are not alone.”

“You may feel like you are. Suddenly your opinions qualify as crimes. Dare to say what you think at work and you will be fired in the middle of a recession. Write what you think online and you will be silenced by the big tech companies so you keep your views to yourself. You have no choice. A lot of Americans are doing that right now, they’re staying quiet, and of course that’s the point of censorship, to keep people isolated and alone, to prevent a consensus from forming that challenges those in charge. If you’re forced to shut up, they can do what they want to you and your country, that’s why they do it. But last night’s show suggested they have not yet succeeded, though they are trying. Millions and millions of Americans agree with you. You are not crazy. Your views are not evil. What is happening to this country right now is completely and totally wrong and that will be obvious to everyone someday when our French Revolution has ended.”

He went on to bring up Google, teeing off on both the tech company and NBC News over a report on The Federalist that received serious criticism. The NBC piece initially said the site had been banned from Google’s ad platform. Google subsequently said that The Federalist was not demonetized and tried to clarify what action had been taken (more here), even publicly tweeting, “Our policies do not allow ads to run against dangerous or derogatory content, which includes comments on sites, and we offer guidance and best practices to publishers on how to comply… As the comment section has now been removed, we consider this matter resolved and no action will be taken.”

Carlson said, “NBC News decided to use some of Google’s power to shut down a couple of its competitors. Power is useful for that.”

He ripped the NBC journalist behind the report before going on a tear against Google about the power it has, asking why Congress isn’t stepping in.

Carlson singled out some prominent Republicans in Congress, including Senator Mike Lee, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights. He said of Lee, “Mike Lee repeatedly has taken the side of the big tech companies over your constitutional rights… We are hoping Mike Lee is soundly defeated in his next primary by someone who cares about the Constitution, and more to the point, about protecting Americans from the actual threats they face.”

You can watch above, via Fox News.

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Josh Feldman is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Email him here: josh@mediaite.com Follow him on Twitter: @feldmaniac