CNN’s Jim Acosta Confronted and Badgered at CPAC Over Cuomo Scandals, Insists ‘We Have Covered That’


While covering the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, CNN anchor Jim Acosta was confronted by a reporter from The Federalist who demanded, while Acosta was conducting an interview, to know why CNN isn’t covering a pair of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) scandals.

“Hey, hey, hey, Jim,” Federalist reporter David Marcus interrupted as Acosta spoke in his interview about the “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was rigged. “Hey, Jim, I’m David Marcus from The Federalist; when are you guys going to start covering Cuomo?”

“Sorry, I’m conducting an interview,” Acosta responded to the reporter’s initial question.

“When are you going to start covering Cuomo?” The Federalist reporter proceeded, repeating his initial question.

“We do,” Acosta replied before the reporter fired back, “No, I’m asking you a serious question.”

“But, David, we do cover that; we have too,” Acosta insisted before asking the Federalist reporter to kindly hold his question until the completion of Acosta’s current interview.

The Federalist reporter then continued: “He killed ten thousand people and is accused of sexual assault, and you guys want to talk about Ted Cruz. So when are you going to start covering Cuomo.”

“Sir, let me just finish this interview, and then I’ll talk to you, okay, if you don’t mind,” Acosta added, before Marcus fired back with a sharp, “No!”

With the Federalist reporter continuing to hound him, Acosta insisted that CNN is covering the Cuomo nursing home scandal before attempting to agree to disagree with the persistent reporter.

“Okay, we agree to disagree,” Acosta stated, while Marcus continued to badger him with questions.

“No, we don’t agree to disagree, you’re not covering Cuomo, well what do you think about it, what do you think about Cuomo,” Marcus snarked.

Acosta replied, “I’m here to do a job.”

Apparently, CPAC officials are unbothered by such invasive interviewing techniques.

CPAC communications director Ian Walters weighed in on the clip posted to Twitter, stating, “Everyone has a right to ask the tough questions. There is no Divine Right of Media Kingpins.”

While CNN hasn’t covered Cuomo’s scandal intensely, the network has called Cuomo out. Acosta, who is covering CPAC for CNN this year, hasn’t been welcomed kindly by Trump supporters who earlier in the morning yelled at him that “CNN SUCKS!”

UPDATE 6:03 p.m.: You can watch Acosta’s full report from day two of CPAC below.

Watch above, via The Federalist.

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