‘I Agree’: Conservatives Say Good Riddance to ‘Nationalist MAGA Right-Wingers’ After The Federalist Argues For Dropping ‘Conservative’ Label


The Federalist

John Daniel Davidson, a senior editor at The Federalist, sparked a bevy of strong reactions on Thursday with an article titled, “We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives.”

In his lengthy article which referenced everything from trial by combat to Roman statesman Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, Davidson repeatedly argues it’s time for the American right to use the power of government to enforce its values – whatever he decides those may be.

“The conservative project has failed, and conservatives need to forge a new political identity that reflects our revolutionary moment,” blares the subtitle of the article. Taking a cue from Claremont Institute senior fellow Michael Anton’s “Flight 93” essay, Davidson repeatedly claims Western civilization is dying and that the right must immediately rush the cockpit and vanquish the left or all will be lost.

Many on the right took issue with Davidson’s argument and wished him and his ilk good riddance from the conservative movement.

Columnist Matt Lewis shared the article and wrote, “I agree: Nationalist MAGA right-wingers should quit using our name!”

RealClearPolitics political analyst Sean Trende replied “+1.” He added, “Since there is some confusion: He is proposing they stop calling themselves conservatives. I’m good with that.”

“I’m convinced,” replied Noah Rothman.

Writer Scott Howard commented, “This piece goes on and on about how the ideas that conservatives sought to conserve over the last 60 years are dead, and instead of advocating for rebuilding those ideas he suggests we abandon them.

You can abandon your conservatism. I’ll keep mine.”

Columnist at the Boston Globe, Jeff Jacoby, replied, “Yes, quite right. “Conservative” is definitely not the word for this hardline, intolerant, big-government, anti-market creeping authoritarianism. Please do find something else to call yourselves.”

Others slammed Davidson for his argument that government should be used to regulate morality as he sees fit. Bill Kristol shared the article, writing, “Alternate Headline: We Need To Start Calling Ourselves Fascists.”

Others dug into the details of Davidson’s argument, in which he blasted the end of traditional marriage and repeated the anti-trans talking points permeating the right at the moment.

“This article calling for conservatives to unite behind fascism is so deranged that it’s hard to know where to start, but the lamentation of gay marriage paired with recognizing the “merits” of arranged marriage and trial by combat does stand out,” noted Tim Miller.

Below are some more reactions to the article from across the political spectrum:


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Alex Griffing is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Send tips via email: alexanderg@mediaite.com. Follow him on Twitter: @alexgriffing