Fox Contributor Defends Trump Over Tax Report Featuring $70K in Haircuts: He’s Doing Things ‘Probably All of Us Do’


The Federalist senior editor and Fox News regular Mollie Hemingway shrugged off the new report detailing President Donald Trump’s questionable acts of tax avoidance. The argument essentially boiled down to her assertion that every American tries to exploit the system in the very same manner in which Trump is being accused.

Hemingway joined Fox’s Outnumbered panel on Monday, where the conversation touched on The New York Times’ report that Trump only paid $750 in federal income taxes for the years of 2016 and 2017. The review on Trump’s finances also determined that Trump paid almost no recent taxes, claimed significant business loses, appeared to pay Ivanka Trump over $700,000 to get a consulting fee write-off, then got more write-offs with ploys like declaring $70,000 in hair styling as a business expense.

After #OneLuckyGuy Bret Baier expressed his doubts that the story would be a groundbreaker for the 2020 election, Hemingway hopped in with a similar dismissal of the report. After that, she offered this take on Trump’s actions before baselessly suggesting that the Times report was coordinated with the Joe Biden campaign:

Depreciation, itemizing deductions. All of these things he’s doing are things that probably all of us do, that most people do when they are filing their taxes. I’m not quite sure what is supposed to be news. As Bret noted, this story came out in 2016, and at the time, Donald Trump said he absolutely did not pay more taxes than he owes. If you do have a problem with the way he is paying his taxes, and that it is legal, you need to change the law.

Interestingly, Hemingway had this to say on Sunday night after the Trump tax report dropped:

Watch above, via Fox News.

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