KJP Dodges Question About Guns That Was Obviously About Hunter Biden: ‘I Think I Know Where This Question Is Going’


It was bound to be a busy day for White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who has been notoriously evasive when it comes to the First Son, Hunter Biden.

On the day the plea agreement fell apart, Jean-Pierre was going to have a lot of questions, and the press corps did not disappoint. And CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang had a trick up her sleeve to try and get an answer on Hunter Biden… although it didn’t work.

The trick was not mentioning Hunter Biden, but mentioning the federal gun laws that were once championed by President Joe Biden. After all, this was a White House press briefing. Surely anyone asking a question about the president’s stance on gun laws would merit an answer. But KJP was a few steps ahead:

Jiang: President Biden has spent most of his political career working on gun laws, on gun reform. Does he believe that someone who is charged with possessing a firearm illegally should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law?

KJP: So here I’m going to be — I think I know where this question is going. And I’m just going to continue to say, as it relates to this, the case that we’re seeing in Delaware, I’m just going to not speak to that. It is an independent matter. This is up for the Department of Justice. Even with the question that you’re asking me, it’s one of those legal criminal matters and it’s up to that process, that legal process. I’m just not going to speak to it here.

Jiang: When [Biden as] senator crafted gun legislation… as president, he talks often about the need to get illegal firearms off of our streets. So when someone possesses one illegally, what does the president believe should happen to them?

KJP: The president has been very clear. You just laid out where his position has been, what his policies have been, what he was able to pass into law. I’m going to be very mindful here. I’m going to be very careful because I see where this question is going. And I’m just going to refer you as this has been an independent investigation is overseen by the Department of Justice. I’m going to let them speak to this as they are moving forward.

Last month, a similar question was asked by Fox News’ White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich, who was cut off much earlier in her questioning.

Watch the video above via C-SPAN.

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