Fox News Host Compares Forgiving Student Debt to Giving Addicts ‘Another Bump of Heroin’
Fox News host Will Cain compared President Joe Biden’s plan to cancel student loan debt to heroin addiction during an interview with Sandra Smith.
The interaction began when Fox ran a graphic displaying the rising real and inflated costs of college since 1971, which prompted Smith to wonder why nothing has been done to address those high costs.
“If you do fall in the category in this country of somebody who’s happy to have your debt waived and paid for by other Americans, you’re going to have to deal with this sooner or later, whether it’s your children or your grandchildren,” Smith said. “What does this [debt cancelation] do to address those soaring costs? Why aren’t we talking about that?”
Cain noted that what is happening with college costs and the returns on investments of college degrees is “most certainly not” acceptable, then addressed how debt cancelation will lead to higher costs all around.
“If the government subsidizes something and makes payment responsible for a third party, meaning the consumer and the seller aren’t actually the true transaction there, you get rising costs,” Cain said. “Healthcare [is] the exact same thing as college education, and it’s hyper inflationary just like education.”
Cain then introduced his metaphor comparing student debt cancelation to heroin addiction.
“I’ve struggled with this, Sandra,” he said. “What’s the metaphor for forgiving college debt? It would be like someone who is addicted to heroin who is going through horrendous withdrawals. And there’s a certain person in the room who says, ‘Well, the only thing we can do to do away with these withdrawals is give them another bump of heroin.’ So, this bill would only serve to hurt the long-term equation. It would rise the cost of college once again.”
“Not only that, these far-left Democrats, some of these progressives, this isn’t even enough for them,” Smith said before reading tweets from Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) and a Bernie Sanders staffer, which advocated for the cancelation of all student debt.
“Will, to your point, where does this end?” Smith asked.
“It never ends, because what do you do for the next generation?” Cain answered. “What about the next people to take on college debt?”
After posing those questions, Cain then used another metaphor to address the student debt cancelation — illegal immigration.
“It’s a little bit like illegal immigration,” he said. “Do you just continue to give out Dreamer status and pathway to citizenship status to every wave of illegal immigrant? Do you give 10 thousand dollars in grants or for debt forgiveness to every generation of college student? You know, you can’t.”
Cain saved his most important point for the end of the segment, when he recognized those who did not go to college and those who have already paid off their student loan debt.
“Culturally, what do you say to blue-collared people that didn’t go to college and now they have to shoulder the tax burden for this?” he asked. “What do you say to all the people that actually paid off their college debt? That you’re a ‘rube?’ That you were ‘stupid’ to pay off your debt because look, just wait for the government to come along and forgive it? I mean, this is a real cancerous idea to our culture.”
Watch above via Fox News.
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