Whopping 91% of Fox News Viewers Believe Trump Has Not Committed Federal Crimes, But Only 42% Support Him In The Primary

AP Photo/Steven Senne
The latest New York Times-Sienna poll offered former President Donald Trump a lot to be happy about on Monday. Not only did the poll show him with a commanding 37-point lead over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in the GOP primary, but the poll also found he enjoys a 76% favorable rating among Republican voters.
Furthermore, 71% of Republican voters said they do not believe Trump “committed serious federal crimes.” 17% agreed “Trump has committed serious federal crimes,” while another 12% refused to answer or did not know.
When broken down by which media sources respondents most gather their news from, 91% of respondents who identified Fox News viewers said Trump has not committed crimes. For those GOP voters who watch mainstream media, only 52% said Trump has not committed any crimes. Both Fox News and mainstream media viewers accounted for 24%, respectively, of the GOP electorate polled.
When asked if they are “considering supporting” Trump in the primary, 42% of Fox News viewers said yes, while 43% said no. Among mainstream media viewers, 16% said they were considering supporting Trump, while 78% said no. Combined the Fox News viewers and mainstream media viewers accounted for 53% of the GOP electorate surveyed on this question.
However, when asked if they viewed Trump favorably a net 76% of Republicans said they did, while a net 22% said they viewed him unfavorably – 2% refused to answer or did not know. Among Fox News viewers, Trump scored an 85% net favorability rating and a 15% unfavorable rating. Mainstream media viewers were more split, with 55% giving Trump a net favorable rating and 43% a net unfavorable rating.
You can read all of the poll’s cross-tabs here
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