‘Nobody Has Done More For Her Than I Have’: Trump Reportedly Sours On Sarah Huckabee Sanders Over Her Refusal To Endorse Him

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Former President Donald Trump has grown frustrated with his former White House press secretary, Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR) due to her neutrality in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, according to a report from Axios.
The report outlines how Sanders’ team told the Trump campaign she would not endorse a candidate until after her first legislative session as governor in Arkansas. However, her session ended in May and the former Trump confidante still has not backed her former boss.
According to the New York Times, Trump reportedly asked Sanders for her endorsement at the start of the year and she denied him. Her father, Mike Huckabee, a staunch Trump ally, endorsed the 45th president publicly three weeks after the NYT report came out on his TV show.
“I never asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders for an endorsement. I give endorsements, I don’t generally ask for them,” Trump told his followers on Truth Social in March. “With that being said, nobody has done more for her than I have, with the possible exception of her great father, Mike!”
Per Axios:
Trump sees Sanders in a different category than other GOP leaders because he hired her to be his press secretary and endorsed her the day she launched her campaign for governor in January 2021.
One Trump ally described the feeling as: “You should always dance with the person who brought you.”
Moreover, Sanders has reportedly developed a close relationship with Trump rival Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. A GOP source close with both camps told Axios that Sanders and Casey DeSantis have reportedly grown close over their shared experience with cancer.
Meanwhile, the Arkansas governor attended a retreat with prominent DeSantis donors and other governors last year.
“Governor Sanders loves President Trump and believes our country would be much better off under his leadership than President Biden, and that President Trump is the dominant frontrunner and our likely Republican nominee in 2024,” a Sanders spokesperson told Axios in response to the story.
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