‘You Can Boo All You Want!’ Chris Christie Booed At Faith and Freedom Conference For Going After Trump
Former New Jersey governor and Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie was booed while giving a speech at the Faith and Freedom conference on Friday after he attacked the party’s frontrunner, former President Donald Trump.
Christie, a newcomer in the crowded 2024 Republican presidential primary, has explicitly made his campaign strategy to aggressively attack Trump over his character and the policies he enacted while inside the White House.
However, the former New Jersey governor did not receive a warm reaction from Republican voters when he tested out that strategy to a live audience at the conservative conference.
“I’m running because he’s let us down,” Christie told attendees at the Washington Hilton Hotel in D.C. “He has let us down because he’s unwilling, he’s unwilling to take responsibility for any of the mistakes that were made and any of the faults that he has and any of the things that he’s done.”
“And that is not leadership, everybody. That is a failure of leadership,” Christie added before the crowd started to turn on him. “You can boo all you want!”
Chris Christie draws some boos at Faith & Freedom after calling out Trump.
“We love Trump!” one woman yells out pic.twitter.com/M5GenaiqSO
— Igor Bobic (@igorbobic) June 23, 2023
Later on in his speech, Christie responded to the unfriendly jeers from the audience by stating, “If all you do is disagree with someone, and in return, you get that type of treatment, then I’ve joined a great list of Americans like Rex Tillerson, Jim Mattis, Mark Esper, Mick Mulvaney, and John Kelly.”
“You can love him all you want,” he said, noting that Trump’s actions have made “our country smaller.” When asked about the boos, Christie said, “This is what happens when you tell the truth, it’s okay.”
Watch the clip above via MSNBC.
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