Higher Covid Death Rates Among Trump Voters Revealed In New Study ‘Could Impact Turnout In 2024,’ Chuck Todd Predicts


NBC’s Chuck Todd gave a startling breakdown of a new study that found Covid-19 deaths among Republicans were a whopping 43% higher than Democrats after the release of the vaccines — a statistic that could directly impact the 2024 presidential election.

On Sunday’s Meet The Press, Todd cited the study that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association, and said it “revealed what many had suspected: Republicans who lagged behind in accepting the efficacy of the Covid vaccine paid a steeper price.”

“Researchers at Yale examined 538,000 deaths in people 25 and older in Florida and Ohio from April 2020 to December 2021,” Todd said. “And they found that the excess death rate — deaths that go beyond what was normally found than what was normally expected — was 15 percent higher for Republicans than for Democrats. After the vaccine became available in 2021 to a majority of the population, the death rate among Republicans was 43% higher.”

Todd then said that NBC tested the theory further to determine how the nation fared as a whole.

“So, here’s what we found. The post-vaccine period in the study was harder on counties that voted for Donald Trump than those who voted for Joe Biden in 2020,” Todd said. “Biden counties experienced more deaths from Covid before the vaccine became available than Trump counties did — about 326,000 versus 218,000, respectively.”

Todd reminded viewers that Biden counties were generally more densely populated than Trump counties:

But, after the vaccine became widely available, look at the numbers now in the spring of 2021. The numbers flip. There were about 104,000 Covid deaths Biden counties, 24% of the deaths through December of 2021. Compare that to 135,000 deaths in Trump counties after the vaccine, 38% of the total COVID deaths during that time.

These numbers could actually matter in the 2024 election. Remember, here are the three closest states: Arizona, decided by just over 10,000 votes; Georgia, jut under 12,000 votes; Wisconsin, just over 20,000 votes. And the Covid post-vaccine status in these three states look very similar to what the Journal of American Medical Association found. In the Trump counties, 35 percent higher than the Biden counties in Arizona. Same story in Georgia, 50 percent to 41 percent. Same story in Wisconsin, 30 percent to 25 percent. In a close election, a lot of factors can impact the outcome — everything from weather to long lines at polling places. And this data suggests a correlation that could impact turnout in 2024.

“Every vote counts,” he added.

Watch the clip above via NBC News.


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