MSNBC Host Cracks Up As Claire McCaskill Roasts Trump Ad — And Federal Courts For Not Allowing Cameras
MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart cracked up at analyst Claire McCaskill’s animated response to a Trump ad, and to federal courts not allowing cameras in for trials like ex-President Donald Trump’s.
On Saturday morning’s edition of The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart, Capehart told McCaskill that a new Trump ad gave him “shivers,” but the former senator mocked the video, and then went on a rant about the federal courts likely barring cameras from the courtroom that had Capehart giggling:
JONATHAN CAPEHART: Claire. Let’s have it in the time that we have left. You and Anthony here have the larger conversation. You know, Donald Trump continues to attack federal prosecutors and issue grave veiled threats at anyone who opposes him. And then he posts ominous ads like this. Watch.
DONALD TRUMP VIDEO: This is the final battle. With you at my side we will demolish the Deep state. We will expel the warmongers from our government. We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the Communists, Marxists and fascists. We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. We will rout the fake news media. And we will liberate America from these villains. Once and for all.
JONATHAN CAPEHART: I mean, Claire, that ad sends a shiver down my spine. But with this guy twice now indicted, a third one is about to come, potentially coming his way. How does an ad like that help him?
CLAIRE MCCASKILL: Well, it doesn’t. And it’s kind of lame. I mean, you know, I didn’t know whether to be frightened by the ad or laugh out loud.
JONATHAN CAPEHART: (Capehart laughs).
CLAIRE MCCASKILL: You know, he’s walking down a hallway looking grim. So what? And this is a guy who, like he’s like other people brush their teeth and he has convinced a calcified group of Americans that somehow he’s a victim and a martyr. That’s why this whole discussion about transparency of these trials is important.
You know, we all remember that, too. In the nineties, more than two decades ago, America watched a trial of O.J. Simpson. We all know that it mattered that America saw that trial. For many, it meant that there was an injustice done. For others, it was about time that somebody held police accountable for sloppy procedures. But the bottom line is everyone saw the evidence.
That’s why it’s interesting that Trump’s lawyers want a televised trial. I would not want one if I were Trump’s lawyers, because he cannot act out in a courtroom. He cannot do this kind of B.S. in a courtroom. It is not allowed. The rules apply in a courtroom. Only evidence that is rightfully under the law can be presented.
Not his lies, not his biases, not his silly conspiracies that make those of us who think scratch our heads and wonder, how could anybody could believe this stuff? So I really do hope that at least in Georgia, if not in the federal cases.
And by the way, who does the federal government think they are that in this day and age, they will not allow us to see what’s going on in a courtroom that is, in fact, a public record. Who do they think they are? It is really irritating to me. It is time for all courtrooms to open up so people can watch real evidence, real facts being presented to a jury.
JONATHAN CAPEHART: Clai– (laughs) Claire just spoke for America there, for– right there!
Watch above via The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart.
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